Car Shampoo
Tuff Stuff Car shampoo was designed as a low forming liquid detergent
for cleaning car interiors and house hold carpeting and other linen
material which does not need too much rinsing with water. It can also be
used for cleaning shinny surfaces and car exteriors with minimal rinsing
because of its low foam; this enables economic use of water.
- Tuff Stuff Car shampoo is an alkaline liquid detergent containing
sequestering agents to enhance effectiveness, especially when used
with hard water.
- Tuff Stuff Car shampoo will completely remove tough stains if soiled
fabric is soaked in the soap preparation for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Use a suitable dilution ratio according to the amount of soil.
Tuff Stuff Car shampoo can easily be rinsed with water.
- 5L